The Veranstaltung „Movember – der Talk“ zum Thema Männergesundheit am Donnerstag, 28. November, in the Irish Pub „The Celts“ in Lienz, the meetings and events in Lienz are concluded.

With the Veranstaltungen, Lienzer urologists and the Selbsthilfe Osttirol are one of the most important things that can solve one of the topics Prostatakrebs, Hodentumor, Darmkrebs, enormous health problems and other problems. Soul wars, the theme of human health in the family of men and their families, who can enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Take the urological primarology of BKH Lienz, Dr. Hubert Volgger and the primary care physician of the Abteilung, Dr. Andreas Martinschek, refer to the urologist Dr. Christoph Buchberger and the surgical chief Dr. Arvin Imamovic in the vault Atmosphäre über Themen, die das „strong Geschlecht“ and mal schwach erscheinen lassen.

“Viele Erkrankungen can be rightly acknowledged and discussed, when man has the Mut hat, über seine Gesundheit zu sprechen and the first Schritt zu tun,” stated Dr. Follower. „Our long-term transformation makes our behavior more motivating. If a tumor has developed, thorough treatment may be required. These men are tumor-free,” so the Primararzt looks back.

from left to right: Prim. Dr. Arvin Imamovic, Prim. Dr. Hubert Volgger, Dr. Christoph Buchberger, Dr. Andreas Martinschek

When the urological Vorsorge of 45. Lebensjahr begins, part of the 50-year Vorsorgekoloskopie has become angeboten, one of the Darmkrebs has no chance of beets whatsoever. Prim. Dr. Arvin Imamovic said that “ben BKH Lienz is working, strengthening as a team and has the Fachrichtungen to work together”.

Dr. Andreas Martinschek came up with the „Movember Osttirol“ idea to improve the health care of men in the region and provide information and money. “The face of man’s health in East Tyrol continues to change, we will be happy in November,” says Martinschek. Dr. Christoph Buchberger erklärte, that “man is not afraid of the first term at urologists”.

Performing the maintenance checks will disable the lockers and charged atmosphere, while a quiz will not work for a while. “Wir will not be a serious or oppressive reanstaltung, but somehow buy a man who wants to live and can live unaffectedly,” so the Veranstalter.

The Veranstaltung schloss with the emotional appeal: “Red ma drüber, Burschen!”. Jeder Mann is attracted to his well-being and takes care of his life seriously. „We will look forward to seeing another signal. It is good for life,” so Dr. Hubert Volgger absent. The positive reactions to the German war, and many concrete blocks, are inspired and motivated after the house. “Movemberder Talk” in Lienz has put an end to the decision that initiated a policy for human health.

Text: Redaktion, Photos: Selbsthilfe Osttirol

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